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Villa Saint-Hilaire
Centre de ressources Maison, Jardin & Paysage
Home, Garden, and Landscape resource Centre.
The Villa Saint-Hilaire, Home, Garden, and Landscape Resource Center, is part of a global project that combines public reading, written heritage and artistic creation.
Its activities and its documentary offer focus on the individual relationship that people have with nature, whether through the mediation of gardens, landscape or architecture. Its collections are organized in four poles: Landscape & Territory, Garden, Home/House, Art of Living. It is intended for all audiences, including academics and children from the age of six.
Both practical and scientific aspects are given a great deal of attention, and a sustained popularisation policy makes them a real platform for exchanges between the general public and the research community. This synergy aims at the best inscription of the inhabitants of Grasse and more generally of Provence Orientale in their territory.
Villa Saint-Hilaire is part of the Fédération Nationale du Patrimoine Ecrit et des Maisons d'Ecrivains. It will soon be setting up with the libraries of Nice, Marseille and Aix en Provence, the new Regional Documentary Pole Associated with the Bibliothèque Nationale de France.
Like all the very old libraries founded during the French Revolution, the collections of the heritage library are as rich as they are diversified: this unique collection of pipes is a testimony to this.

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